The Evolutionary Imperative; the Male Burden
If I were John Edwards' or Tiger Woods' lawyer, how would I defend them against charages of infidelity and sexual addiction?
I would raise the issue of "Evolutionary Imperative". That is, men have a superabundant need for sex because evolution burdened them (and continues to burden them) with human procreative destiny. Women only drop and egg a month. Men have millions of sperm being created every few hours, all crying: "Let me out! Let me out!" Millions and millions of little "zoa" all hoping to be the one (out of millions) that can join with an egg. Men are to be pitied, not condemned. They seek multiple women (vessels, really) not from addiction, but as captives of evolutionary demands. Women should try to wake up everyday with the requirement to spread millions of their seed, to seek out a single egg, all the while knowing that each release of millions will fail, while only one, here and there, will succeed.
Men are not addicts; they are sexual slaves, owned lock, stock and barrel by the evolutionary imperative. No wonder the Gods made sex pleasurable; such a small benefit to balance such a large responsibility.
I would raise the issue of "Evolutionary Imperative". That is, men have a superabundant need for sex because evolution burdened them (and continues to burden them) with human procreative destiny. Women only drop and egg a month. Men have millions of sperm being created every few hours, all crying: "Let me out! Let me out!" Millions and millions of little "zoa" all hoping to be the one (out of millions) that can join with an egg. Men are to be pitied, not condemned. They seek multiple women (vessels, really) not from addiction, but as captives of evolutionary demands. Women should try to wake up everyday with the requirement to spread millions of their seed, to seek out a single egg, all the while knowing that each release of millions will fail, while only one, here and there, will succeed.
Men are not addicts; they are sexual slaves, owned lock, stock and barrel by the evolutionary imperative. No wonder the Gods made sex pleasurable; such a small benefit to balance such a large responsibility.
Men should be pitied ... it doesn't look like much fun to me. The dangling body parts, the daily shaving, the relentless search for the perfect woman (more accurately the perfect vagina). And yet SOMEHOW the mystery remains? Why do men die first? My god its exhausting just watching ...
In the TAO it says "only men w/relatively large testicals were meant to spread their seed" the rest of you should be jerking off into your baseball mit.
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